Why should I invite friends and family to Review – Recommend my Profile ?
- If you have very high Ratings and good Reviews and Recommendations from Friends and Family, it gives a very favorable opinion about you.
- It helps others to understand your strengths and attitude
- It also gives people an idea of what to expect from you after marriage.
- It gives you the chance to know how others perceive you and this is helpful for you to improve yourself on may fronts.
How do you write a review about a person whose Profile is on MarryADevotee ?
- Provide useful, constructive feedback in a polite way.
- Talk about a range of elements, including attitude, nature, skills, knowledge.
- Be detailed, specific, and honest.
- Try to keep it personal & try to give some life experiences and instances to support your views. Remember that giving the right information will help that person improve. It also helps to find a spouse who matches or complements the needs of that person .
- Keep it civil and friendly.
- Feel free to update your review if needed, as things change with time.
- Check you’ve got the right person when you review – recommend. Read Reviews and Recommendations made by others to enable you to frame your Review in a better way.
- Copy and paste a copy of your Review in your mobile or laptop – in case it gets deleted, changed or lost by accident on the website.
- Read your Review a few times and correct errors in spelling or grammar or punctuation. Make sure your real opinion shines clear through the many words you arranged carefully.
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