Why Review ? How to Recommend

Why should I invite friends and family to Review – Recommend my Profile ?

  1. If you have very high Ratings and good Reviews and Recommendations from Friends and Family, it gives a very favorable opinion about you.
  2. It helps others to understand your strengths and attitude
  3. It also gives people an idea of what to expect from you after marriage.
  4. It gives you the chance to know how others perceive you and this is helpful for you to improve yourself on may fronts.

How do you write a review about a person whose Profile is on MarryADevotee ?

  1. Provide useful, constructive feedback in a polite way.
  2. Talk about a range of elements, including attitude, nature, skills, knowledge.
  3. Be detailed, specific, and honest.
  4. Try to keep it personal & try to give some life experiences and instances to support your views. Remember that giving the right information will help that person improve. It also helps to find a spouse who matches or complements the needs of that person .
  5. Keep it civil and friendly.
  6. Feel free to update your review if needed, as things change with time.
  7. Check you’ve got the right person when you review – recommend. Read Reviews and Recommendations made by others to enable you to frame your Review in a better way.
  8. Copy and paste a copy of your Review in your mobile or laptop – in case it gets deleted, changed or lost by accident on the website.
  9. Read your Review a few times and correct errors in spelling or grammar or punctuation. Make sure your real opinion shines clear through the many words you arranged carefully.

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