Is it a good idea to donate for this service ?
Some may say YES and some may think NO. Let us look at the situation carefully before making a decision. After all this decision may have a BIG Role in finding the right match for marriage and in future married life too.
For many years – for the last 15 years or so, we did not seek donations.
This website did not earlier ask Users for Donations. Strange but true !!!
With the help of a few kind souls we were able to offer these services for the last 15 years. We did not need nor think about taking money from regular users of this website.
We whole heartedly thank those kind souls who gave their time, energy and money. They sacrificed a lot and we are grateful and hope Lord Sri Krishna blesses them profusely for this.
Why are we seeking donations now ?
For many reasons
- Over time we noticed that expenses are growing.
- We need money to improve the services
- To provide for needs of volunteers who are serving on this website
- To support other worthy causes, that are allied – like care for those who served here and are getting old. Goshala donations, donations to some temples who need our help etc.
- We also seek to build a corpus fund to perpetuate this service for future generations
- Donating helps prospective brides and grooms. This is the very important point which you need to know.
How can Donating to this website, help me to get married and also be happy in married life ?
We understood that donating helps prospective brides and grooms in many ways. It prepares them for married life. By encouraging and accepting donations we have an important role and duty to play in connecting our members to the right match.
If you read the points below – you will understand why we changed our outlook towards donations.
Quick Question – Before we read on, do visitors and members have to pay to use the website now ? Have the free services been terminated ?
No !
We still maintain basic services Free so that those who come from modest backgrounds or those who are volunteers in spiritual organisations can get find their partner and get married.
We actively encourage everyone to donate something (small or big) and try to offer some value added services as a token of our gratitude for this.
We also request those who are better off, by the grace of the Lord, to contribute some money, for the benefit of others who are not so lucky as them.
We also pray that such kind souls make more and more money, so that they can use their wealth more in the service of others.
Users on our site may browse the site without paying money. Members may use all the services of the site without paying any money. We humbly accept donations and actively encourage it and thank those kind souls who donate.
If you are a kind hearted soul you can assist us in offering our services by donating in cash or kind. It has the following benefits
- It will be helpful to us in offering this service to others who are financially less fortunate ( than you )
Those who cannot afford to pay to use popular matrimonial websites will be able to use this website and find a suitable life partner. Many devotees who have spent many years in spiritual organisations, NGOs as volunteers and are not gainfully employed in jobs, may not be able to donate – even if they desire to do so. However we have made donation levels as less as Rs 10 per day.
- Your donation helps in the propagation of spirituality and good character and Krishna consciousness by helping devotees get married.
This helps in bringing Krishna conscious “Vaikuntha children” into this world. In some settings it is easier for Married Couples – Grihastas to be able to preach – compared to a renunciate. So you will be helping spread Dharma.
- Donating helps you progress in spiritual life.
Srila Prabhupada tried to raise awareness that one should give a portion of his money for a higher cause.
As Vaishnavas, we are instructed to give in charity, because the act of giving assists our spiritual progress in various ways. For householders, or grhasthas, the injunction to give in charity is a strong one. Srila Prabhupada writes, “For the grhasthas, or householders, performance of sacrifices, distribution of charity, and action according to prescribed duties are especially recommended.” (Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.32, Purport)
- Donating helps you get prepared for married life.
You may have seen quotes like this –“Charity is meant for the householders. The householders should earn a livelihood by an honorable means and spend fifty percent of their income to propagate Krishna consciousness all over the world” (Bhagavad-gita 16.3).
Post marriage, it is imperative for householders to donate regularly, so that they can keep their consciousness at a higher level. If one can donate a little to this website every month – say a Dollar or Pound a day – then it prepares you mentally to start giving and sharing, to worthy causes even after marriage.
- Donating can help convince others that you are “really” prepared for married life.
Giving and sharing are so important to stay married. Once one enters family life – then there is so much “give and take”. If a person is not prepared or able to spend a few Rupees or a few dollars a month towards finding the right partner, then this could mean that this person is not ready to shoulder the burden of marriage, where there are many expenses and also lacks the mood of sacrifice which is so important in marriage.
A gentleman has to learn to “share” his time, his home, his money, his possessions and his life with the lady he marries.
Once we asked a lady about how she would choose a man for marriage; and her reply was – ” I will seek out a good man. A man with a good heart – charitable and kind. I would like to see it demonstrated in his actions – not just in his words. A man who does not have the heart to give a little in charity is not yet ready for marriage. Some men are kind, but I will marry him once he has a settled job or career and has developed the attitude of donating and helping others. ”
We found her bold answers shocking and asked her why she was quite insistent on this. She emphatically replied ” Married life means one has to have enough money to take care of the needs of the family. A proper home, furniture, appliances, money to meet not just the needs of the wife and of future children, but also their desires. Education, medical expenses and so many needs are there. Some men are rich or have good jobs and careers, but they are not trained to share their good fortune with others. If they donate regularly to help others, then one can be reasonably sure that they will be kind and considerate of the needs of their family too. I will feel more confident to marry such a man.”
We found her logic quite compelling and we spoke to many other ladies and some men as well. After this we have decided to actively encourage our members to donate – especially those, who plan to have an active role in maintaining the family.
However, a lady who intends to not pursue a job or a career post marriage, but manage the home – is also encouraged to donate. Why ? It helps one get detached from material things – and prepares one to share and care for other family members – children and in laws and others. It builds the attitude of giving one’s time, energy and wealth for the benefit of other souls.
Click here to donate directly using Paypal if you are outside India
Whom should I donate to & whom should I contact to confirm my Donation ?
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Donor Category – Levels
Devotees can make donations as per their ability