I would like to express my gratitude towards this website www.MarryADevotee.com which helped me in getting a life partner who is Krishna conscious and would always help me to uplift my devotion towards Lord.
It was Narsimha Chaturdasi 2016 when we first met in Sridham Mayapur and our next meeting on November 2016 turned out to be very special for both of us because on that day we entered into a serious and committed relationship of husband and wife to help each other in Krishna Consciousness. And by abundant mercy of Krishna I got wonderful in laws too, who follow Prabhupada’s teachings. So inspite of having cultural differences I never felt its impact upon our relation as they are very much loving and caring.
In 2019 we got a cuddlesome bundle of joy , a lovely girl. This is all because of this website www.MarryADevotee.com that we met and are now practicing Krishna consciousness very happily, and raising our child by inculcating spiritual values in her.
Thank you so much for this wonderful service you people are providing the devotees all over the world. I pray your endeavor and merciful glance of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu makes the life of every devotee , who opts for Grihasta life, very beautiful in Krishna Consciousness.
Hare Krishna
Varsana Radhe Devi Dasi (Vandana Gupta)