I was thinking and doing so much on my Krishnacore research work today! Indeed it is another Ekadasi, in which the time has come to focus on devotional service for Krishna.
Raghunath (Ray) Cappo from Shelter really sparked my reconnection to Krishna! I have been practicing deeply again since Nov 2019 after I saw a very moving cyber satsang of his.
After discovering Raghunath and Krishnacore music, I felt literally everything all made sense! Another beautiful chapter to discover vegan hardcore punk and my spiritual life!
Spiritual yogi punk! Wow right?! Like my supersoul had finally arrived altogether at the lotus feet of Srila Praphupada right on time (well, ok I wish it could have been sooner)!
Hare Krishna! Hare Rama! Roars of Narsimha! Holy divine mother Yashoda! Radhe Radhe! Amen! Blessed Be!
I was immeadiately hooked in an ethereal flat down body bow to all mighty, all love, glories, obeisances!
I was going to be able to rediscover and reconnect with spirit through ISKCON, Shelter, Crowmags, 108, Bhimal, and various other Krishnacore bands.
I never regret a day, when I literally probably fell out of the ‘social scene’ and began rejoining devotees – chanting, eating prasadam, dancing, reading… it has been a real homecoming for me!
In the process absolutely adoring Narsimha and inventing my new music called Krsnagore and also working with inspired elements as a kind of Krishnacore musical artist.
Narsimha is incredible for me! I can feel his protection. I last created a musical piece called Naranoise. I love expressing the stories of Narsimha’s powers and my devotee experiences in noisy music.
Everything is unfolding and I enjoy discovering this website. Such as increasing my ‘mantras’ powers! Wow, indeed I am chanting so much! I love the mantra so much, I never stopped loving it since I first memorized it in Detroit, MI.
Here in my photo I am in my Durga jumper! I love to pray to Durga, and I also love to try to be Durga! However, truly one day I may need to ask for house help or just to only be a very still peaceful lotus flower for at the end I only have two arms.
Thank you so much Krishna for all you have done for me, my family, and friends. Haribol!
Hare Krishna. Very happy to see your enthusiasm to serve Sri Krishna.