Bond gets married

His name is Bond – Austin Bond – and he got married !!!

Bhakta Austin Bond got married to Parameswari Radha Devi Dasi recently. We are so happy to hear from them. We wish them all the very best in their married life and pray it is filled with joy in Krishna Consciousness.

Here is their letter to us.

Hare Kṛṣṇa,Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I pray this message meets all the servants at very well.
My wife, Parameswari Radha Devi Dasi, and I are so pleased with the wonderful service that this site provides. It allowed us to connect with each other from so far, the United States and Bangladesh, and with the blessings of our Guru Maharajs, to get married. We finally met in person, after corresponding for 6 months on the internet in Sri Vrindavan Dham during Kartik time where we went on Vraja Mandala Parikrama, and the Holy Name and Govardhana Retreats with Sacinandana Swami Maharaj, and my Guru Maharaj, Bhurijana Prabhu. Then we travelled to Sridhama Mayapur and spent 1 week there. We were in the Holy Dhams for 2 months.After that we both went back to our respective countries, and after 2 months, I came to Bangladesh, and all my family soon followed. We got married in Sri Pundarik Dham, the place where Pundarik Vidyanidhi appeared and it was a wonderful occasion. We are now residing in Bangladesh where I am an online English teacher and BBT Book Editor. Parameswari is now studying at an American University online. We are awaiting her visa to go back to the United States. Thank you all again for your wonderful service. We will continue to recommend our friends.
Your servants,Bh. Austin Bond and Parameswari Radha Devi Dasi

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